Cazenovia League of Women Voters
The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization. The League encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.
Board of Directors
Board of Directors
Name | Title |
Wendy Taylor | President |
Barbara Clarke | Secretary |
Anna Marie Neuland | Treasurer |
Chuck Amos | Advisory |
Helen Beale | Local Program & Scholarship |
Sandra Kaplan | Membership |
Sharye Skinner | Voter Service & Youth Program |
The Board meets monthly (to be announced). / Members are welcome at all Board Meetings and may receive the minutes upon request. |
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 518-465-4162
1 Steuben Place, The Blake, Albany, NY 12207
Executive Director: Laura Bierman ([email protected])
Local Program
Helen Beale - Local Program ChairmanLocal Response to Climate ChangeThe Cazenovia League plans to educate itself about the New York State energy plan, and to investigate how our local Cazenovia area fits into that plan, and to consider how we individually and as a community might make more of a contribution to a cleaner energy world.
Youth Program
Sharye Skinner - "Student Inside Albany" (SIA) ChairmanCazenovia LWV sends a Cazenovia High School student to the LWVNY Educational Program "Students Inside Albany" at the New York Capital in Albany for a weekend of learning the workings of New York State Government plus personal Assembly introductions and discussions.Cazenovia LWV annually awards a monetary scholarship to a graduating student.Cazenovia High School students are welcome at all Cazenovia LWV meetings.
Sandra Kaplan - ChairmanMembership to the Cazenovia League of Women Voters, automatically becomes membership to the League of Women Voters of New York State, and to the League of Women Voters of USA. Members receive regular local LWV information as well as current legislative issues from LWVNY & LWVUS.Individual annual membership dues are $65
Family annual membership dues are $100
Voter Service
Sharye Skinner - ChairmanVoter Service provides:
* Voter Registration
* Voter information through the web site Vote411.org
* Candidate Forums for local contested elections.